The MockMultipleDrawers widget is a prefab that can be used to mock drawer presence and location from within the Unity editor.

NOTE - If used while on the board, the buttons will be within the margin that is not clickable. This widget is intended for use with Unity for testing/debugging only.


The CurrentStateText prefab requires the Gameboard GameObject to be present. Find the Gameboard menu at the top of the unity header and click "Add SDK" to add the Gameboard GameObject to your project. If you do not have the Gameboard menu options, see Gameboard SDK Access


Navigate in the Project explorer to Packages > Gameboard Unity > Runtime > Tools > Prefabs and look for the one named MockMultipleDrawers.prefab


And drag the prefab into your scene. This widget assumes the Gameboard size (1920x1920)


Once running the game, the widget will display on the edges of the Gameboard sceen (Make sure your dimensions are set to 1920x1920). When clicking ‘Player Join' a mock drawer presence will join at that location. If you click again on Player Leave, that will mock ther user leaving that drwaer location.
